At the heart of the Avita Health System, it’s our family of employees who comes together once a year to support our organization!
Keep Avita at the forefront of healthcare by participating in the annual
iGIVE Employee Giving Program!
Participating in our annual Employee Giving Program sends a profound message to the community we serve. Not only do you work here, but you believe in Avita’s mission, programs and services with your philanthropic support. You set the example of supporting our healthcare organization within our communities.
“Every day you strive to do your best for our patients and the communities we have the privilege of serving. You know that extraordinary care starts with us… and so does a generous spirit. Join us in supporting Avita Health System and the important work we do by participating in this year’s Employee Giving Program. This year we ask you to consider support of Avita’s highest priority to build a new cancer center by payroll deducting/purchasing a commemorative brick, paver, or bench.”
Jerry Morasko, President & CEO, and Avita’s Leadership Team
In the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, Avita received support, from more than 1,000
employees and raised more than $110,000 for important programs and services.
A portion of your donations helped with:
1. Support for Avita Crisis Response Fund, Forensics, Oncology, and Women's & Children's Health
2. Financial assistance to Avita employees and their families in their greatest time of need.
3. Healthcare scholarships for Avita employees and area college/high school students.
4. Supporting a Cancer Journey: Brick by Brick will provide direct to support towards the construction of Avita's new cancer center in Ontario and Healing & Memorial Garden in both Galion and Ontario.